"Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul." - Kahlil Gibran

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Spring Time

Spring is in the air. All around me the earth is brightening. The folks in my little out post are more rambunctious than I’ve ever seen them. It’s as if there reins a certain freedom to speak louder than the whispers winter’s oppression allowed; to wear brighter colours.  Folks have a hop in their step. The new season brings with it the promise that excitement lies just around the next corner.
In celebration of this felicitous feeling I shall wear bright garbs myself. In my line of work, one doesn’t often have the chance to dress up as office workers do daily. It’s usually scrubs with tackies and if you’re not on call, you might go for jeans, comfy tops and reasonable shoes. It takes one long day on your feet to cure you of the desire to wear heals or pointy tips ever again. Scarves and necklaces inevitably dangle in open wounds. Bracelets and rings have to be removed when donning gloves. Those gloves are covered in a flour-like powder that will leave white blotches all over your clothing.
The most hilarious apparel available to the medical profession is theatre scrubs. These are not the tailored light blue ones modelled in Grey’s Anatomy. Ours are a foul-shade of dark green. They are specially created to be the most unflattering garments on the market.
In order to enter the aseptic theatre environment one has to first scavenge for the most suitable green linen top and bottoms from a jumbled mass of newly laundered scrubs. On occasion I have found scrub tops where the entrance to the sleeves had been sewn closed. I’ve found a pair of pants with one leg a foot long whilst the other was three feet long. My favourite treasure was a pair of pants broader in cross-section (round the middle) than the legs were long. If the doctors in Grey’s Anatomy were to be dressed in these green clown’s gowns they wouldn't possibly be tempted to do a spot of frolicking in the store cupboard.

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