"Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul." - Kahlil Gibran

Thursday 7 June 2012

Putting on the green

My current neck of the woods is somewhat well known for its spectacular golf courses. Acres of manicured green lawns attract some of the great names in the golfing world. With that, of course, comes the inevitable golf estate lifestyle. White gabled villas connected by neat cobbled pathways dot these urban oases. Where previously, wild birds chirped in tree tops, neat ponds have been dug to house the ever popular Egyptian goose. Men in white pants and pink shirts toddle about with silent entourages a respectful distance behind. (Whether silent out of respect or bordom, I'm never quite sure.)

As an ironic comment on societal inequality in South Africa, an informal settlement of 'previously disadvantaged' citizens (though when exactly 'previously' stopped and currently began, I can't say, as things certainly have not improved for them since the days they were 'disadvantaged' ), is located just across the road and around the corner from the fanciest golf course / urban estate of the lot: Fancourt. The ruffians patients who keep me up on a Saterday night treating their post drunken brawl head injuries, suturing their faces back together, inserting intercostal drain after intercostal drain for stabbed chests largely come from that exact informal settlement.

So, when last wednesday afternoon I drove past a group of youngsters from the informal settlement wielding sticks on a patch of grass by the roadside, my first thought was that I should probably call the police because skulls would be cracking soon. Imagine my bittersweet surprise when five more young guys rounded the corner each carrying a single golf club. They were all just meeting up for an innocent round of golf! Some were barefoot, none had any golfing equipment except for the single club but they looked excited to join in the fun of a sport well played and shared amongst like-minded fans. In a town of fancy golf courses and million rand championships, these guys were not going to miss out. Their putting green was jagged, littered with the occasional broken bottle top but that wasn't going to dim their eagerness. They had an appointment with the guys for a wednesday afternoon round of golf.